What Is The Blockchain Dns

Blockchain DNS simply resolves names by parsing entries for them and resolving those entries against an API. This API implements standard DNS resolution using whatever API the API provider implements it with. There could be many API providers at once, perhaps offering service through different protocols based on popularity or latency to increase performance… there would be no other criteria enforced except being able to resolve names into addresses.

Imagine a blockchain without Bitcoin. We don’t need to imagine for long, because this platform with BTC isn’t the one we know and love – it’s a one called Namecoin.

Namecoin is a blockchain expressly designed to provide a way for arbitrarily naming things on the aforementioned platform. Instead of containing arbitrary data, a Namecoin record contains an arbitrary name that points to some other data contained in another place on the platform. A Namecoin record also has associated metadata that specifies how that particular name should be resolved, instead of being resolved by the platform’s consensus algorithm like normal records are.

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In this article, I’m going to describe how domain names can be implemented. Specifically, the information that will be presented will be records in JSON-LD for domain names and resource records. The blockchain does not follow the RDF data model by default, but it’s possible to encode as RDF

It makes a good decentralized system because there are only a few moving parts: a name registry, a resolver (autonomous agents on the network), and resolution rules. “Domain name resolution” is taken care of by the consensus protocol for entries, and resolvers are trivial to write.

A Namecoin record can contain any data whatsoever.But in this article I’m going to limit myself to describing blockchain-as-DNS only – the cryptographic primitives necessary to build this platform-as-whatever are already well developed in Namecoin, so there’s no need to go beyond what they do here.

Woman in Black Blazer Sitting at the Table

Although records are expressed as JSON, the platform itself is not inherently a JSON data structure. It can be represented as JSON (this is how records are currently encoded), but that’s because consensus algorithms happen to work equally well on chains of arbitrary binary data.
resolves names by parsing entries for them and resolving those entries against an API. This API implements standard DNS resolution using whatever API the API provider implements it with. There could be many API providers at once, perhaps offering service through different protocols based on popularity or latency to increase performance… there would be no other criteria enforced except being able to resolve names into addresses.

This API is likely to be developed under the blockchain-as-DNS use case because it’s what blockchain DNS would interoperate with. It wouldn’t exist in a vacuum – these records containing domain names would contain links to this platform’s APIs, and resolvers would be expected to implement standard APIs as resolvers do. If there were multiple popular APIs , their resolution rules would need to specify which API they resolve against.

Although anyone can write a blockchain resolver that uses any API provider they choose since these are just regular, there’d probably be some standards bodies involved. The standards bodies may also charge membership dues – blockchain DNS resolution would likely be an expensive service to provide since these records are stored in blocks and these blocks contain a lot of data.

What Is The Blockchain Stock

Blockchain stock may not be the household name it once was, but if you hear about it, startups or companies at all, there’s a good chance they’re somehow related to this type of technology. That’s because it can be used for much more than cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin. It also has applications in public records, company records, and even stock trading.

It is a decentralized ledger of digital events. In the case of these types of stocks, those events are financial transactions. Many different computers, known as nodes, can contain a copy of ledgers. When one computer validates an event or transaction on it and adds that update to its copy of the blockchain, all the other computers on it use algorithms to assess and validate that update and compare it to their own ledgers. If any one of them disagrees with the proposed update, it rejects it as invalid and continues onward with its current ledger containing the most up-to-date version.

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A practical example: Let’s say Maria records trades on this platform via her account. The record is sent to the blockchain where it’s validated and approved for all node members. Those stock records are then replicated and updated throughout the platform so that every computer has the most up-to-date ledger of Maria’s blockchain trading activities — without a central authority. Since it is decentralized, these stock trades are stock trades without the costs associated with centralized trading systems.

Why blockchain stock?

How can it be used for these types of stocks? Its ability to streamline business transactions while maintaining security and decentralization makes it ideal for company ledgers. While you might not know these stocks by name, this technology has probably already touched your stock portfolio. From stock trading to company ledgers, it is likely in everyday use by the companies you own stocks through.

Partnership between blockchain stocks announcements between startups and companies are commonplace these days, so when one of them mentions stocks in their announcement, it’s worth taking note even if it is a relatively new stock market.

These types of ledgers have the potential to replace transaction systems currently in use by these types of companies. This means companies could take this share from existing players as it becomes more prevalent within their own company ledgers and these become more reliant on technology for day-to-day trading transactions.

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Investors who want to own these types of shares without having to directly invest in these companies can buy stocks through the platforms ETFs, mutual funds o stock portfolios. For investors who aren’t sure whether they’re ready to get into this technology directly, buying these types of shares is a way to ease investments.

A Blockchain stock is a good investments for company leaders. When you own these types of shares,companies, and startups that want to access your money and your network of contacts can go through you. If those companies create technology-based products and services, their investment could pay off.

LTNM Launch on FMFW.io

Bitcoin Latinum Announces Exchange Listing on FMFW.io In Late November 2021

Bitcoin Latinum is pleased to announce that it will be listing on FMFW.io exchange at the end of November 2021. Formerly known as Bitcoin.com Exchange, FMFW.io has rebranded their name to better align with the ethos of cryptocurrencies and the future of the ecosystem, as the acronym “FMFW” stands for “Free the Money, Free the World.” As a next-generation cryptocurrency and blockchain, Bitcoin Latinum is certainly aligned with FMFW.io’s mission to create a more sovereign and accessible financial future for all.

LTNM’s listing on FMFW.io Exchange stands as a major milestone for both parties – for Bitcoin Latinum, it is an honor to be listed on one of the world’s leading cryptocurrency exchanges, and for FMFW.io Exchange as only the second digital asset exchange to list Bitcoin Latinum. As validation grows with greater recognition, reputation, and exchange integrations such as FMFW.io, we are excited to showcase the standards of the next generation of digital assets to the world through Bitcoin Latinum. 

Danish Chaudhry, CEO of FMFW.io Exchange, commented on the exchange’s upcoming listing of Bitcoin Latinum, stating, “As we see the ecosystem move towards energy-efficiency, next generation assets like Bitcoin Latinum with its increased speed and low transaction fees is bound to grow exponentially within the industry as a method of digital transaction… We’re very excited to see how  Bitcoin Latinum will continue to empower their vision, and gain further outreach with our outstanding community at the exchange.”

In addition, Dr. Don Basile, Founder of Bitcoin Latinum and CEO of Monsoon Blockchain Corporation, the developer of Bitcoin Latinum on behalf of the Bitcoin Latinum Foundation, expressed his excitement about the upcoming listing of LTNM, stating, “We are very excited about selecting FMFW.io (formerly known as Bitcoin.com exchange) as the second exchange on our plan to list on many of the major exchanges around the world. This is a milestone event in the history of Bitcoin Latinum and the continuation of an exciting journey to revolutionizing digital transactions. In the next few months, we will be announcing other exchanges to reach wider audiences and improve the acceptance of digital assets across the world.”

We are thrilled to continue our rollout of exchange launch plans as we finalize partnerships with additional exchanges. For more updates on how Bitcoin Latinum seeks to revolutionize the Media and Entertainment, Gaming, Cloud Computing, and Telecommunications industries, please stay tuned to our social media channels, Telegram and our blog. We are grateful for the continued engagement and growth of our communities since our inception and look forward to the continued development of our project.

What Is Hodl And Why You Should Do This Too

What is hodl? The word is derived from a spelling error in an online post about Bitcoin, which was later re-posted with the typo included. The writer must have bought bitcoin at some point, but didn’t sell it when prices increased by roughly 1000% throughout 2013.

This story became widely circulated within cryptocurrency communities and spread into mainstream media as well. People then started to use it as a deliberate misspelling of the word hold , implying that they are not intending to sell their bitcoins anytime soon. It has since become used frequently in comedic contexts involving coins.

The most common use for this term outside of internet memes pertains to its being part of one’s digital currency capital gain calculations or loss reports, with the explanation being that further profits are expected to be made from holding digital money until it reaches a certain value.
This word was originally derived from an online post about Bitcoin which was later re-posted with the typo included. The writer must have bought bitcoin at some point but didn’t sell it when prices increased by roughly 1000% throughout 2013.

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Among the greatest reasons that individuals as what is hodl is because as a practical method it is their idea of the underlying modern technology and the usage situation behind it. Bitcoin and also most other cryptocurrencies are based upon a modern technology called blockchain, which has many uses, including a means to securely and also anonymously make payments over the internet. Some people believe that Bitcoin is the future of all economic purchases rather than fiat money like Dollars as well as Euros.

For many owners, “hodling” is a fascinating possibility. The worth of a single Bitcoin has gone from under a dollar when it initially appeared greater than a year earlier to five-digit figures in recent years. In spite of high market volatility, numerous owners rely on the lasting financial leads of Bitcoin and various other tokens. At the same time, numerous other individuals think that getting digital money amounts to gambling.

Many individuals also believe that the values of crypto are better when people acquire as well as do not sell off their tokens. That is why this term is so well used in this area– it’s often stated to novices that might have fears about holding such a volatile possession. This fights what individuals call “FUD,” which represents “worry, unpredictability, as well as uncertainty.” FUD can include anything from naysayers to federal governments to unfavorable continue the issue of cryptocurrency
This term is typically only used to refer to coins and also not various other possessions. If you want to ask what is hodl, reserve it for discussions concerning these tokens or you could be misunderstood.

Silver and Gold Round Coins
If you run into individuals informing you of it there’s a likelihood that you’ve encountered digital money enthusiasts. Be sure to use good judgment in making important financial decisions, such as purchasing a digital money. Never invest greater than you can manage to lose.

Why Is Crypto Down This Year

Why is crypto down? This is a question a lot of people ask consistently to have a better understanding of the market.
So why? Why did this happen? I’m not sure if anyone knows the exact reason for this debacle, but here are some speculative reasons that could have led to it:

The recent news out of China not only banning ICOs but any exchanges involved with them. This made people worried about the well-being of coin exchanges and reflects their belief that exchange regulation will hurt future market growth because potential investors will continue to see them as unregulated financial vehicles. If these fears persist, the market could continue to suffer.

Japan is also considering new regulations that would prevent their exchanges from running crypto-to-fiat options. This, again, could be more of a blow to future market growth if this regulation were able to pass. However, it’s not likely because the bill still has many months before taking effect and will need approval from other committees to even be considered for voting on by their full congress.

Various Cryptocurrency on Table
The popular exchange Bittrex recently disabled new user accounts due to too much traffic overload. Even though they are re-enabling registrations today, there was some panic that ensued at the news of them disabling account creation. It wasn’t anything unique or related directly to anyone coin but just reflected the increasing number of people getting involved in why crypto is down.

The recent SEC ruling on ICOs being securities instead of commodities affected the market by causing a state-wide reversal where every coin saw sharp declines. When the overall market cap was over $100B this regulatory action wouldn’t cause as much fear or uncertainty, but now that it has dropped to around $70B there is a concern. Even though this article says otherwise, I believe that markets are still panicking about this even after the initial hit. If you read through all these articles and comments , you will see that many people are still not happy with how the SEC handled their decision.

Another interesting point is timing. What most people don’t realize is that this market downturn has been happening since Friday, right after the SEC released their ruling. Since then there have been continuous attempts to manipulate the market with low volume sell-offs followed by massive buybacks. We may never know the true intentions behind these actions, but it seems likely that they are intended to cause further volatility and fear to benefit someone or some group.

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The last possible explanation for all of this could be simply overreaction on behalf of investors/traders who are now afraid of what regulations will do to their future investments. This was probably triggered by things like China banning ICOs which caused another wave of investors thinking “China banned them – US might too, I need to sell now!”. These actions were probably amplified by bots and high-frequency traders who also realized the market was overreacting and decided to attempt their form of manipulation.
Having said all this, it’s important to realize why crypto is down still in its infancy. All these things are normal, they are growing pains. Even though there will be bumps in the road, crypto has a bright future ahead if we don’t give up on it. The technology will continue to improve with time and none of these minor setbacks mean that decentralized currency is dead or dying; only transitioning into new hands. So watch out for manipulation attempts – you can never be sure why someone is trying to ruin your profits anyway.

Bitcoin to Dollar…What Are The Differences

Bitcoin is a decentralized digital currency that uses peer-to-peer technology to manage and release funds while keeping them away from a centralized authority. Bitcoin to dollar is something that a lot of people have questions about. Once I obtain BTCs should change them to dollars? They are created by mining, an activity where miners piece together transaction blocks and receive newly minted crypto in return for their effort.

BTC came into existence on January 3rd, 2009. This community refers to itself as BTC Talk while these websites usually go by .com instead of .org since there’s no official organization that represents all of them. It has also been referred to as Digital Cash or Digital Gold before its formal introduction.

1 Us Dollar Bill

The symbol is BTC (uppercase) or ฿ (lowercase). Its ISO 4217 code can be found at, under “BTC”.
The US dollar, on the other hand, is a fiat currency. Fiat money is money that a government has declared to be legal tender, but it is not backed by a physical commodity. The US dollar derives its value from the fact that there’s a demand for it in exchange for goods and services just like any other type of money does. However, unlike most currencies which are supported by gold or silver reserves stored somewhere in an inaccessible bank vault, no one backs up America’s paper money with anything tangible. While some countries do back their currency to some extent with gold reserves stored in their vaults or foreign banks outside of their borders (such as Ecuador), this isn’t so for the United States. Several private institutions are widely believed to hold some of the gold, but it isn’t known how much they have or where exactly it’s being held.

The US dollar’s symbol is $ (no separations) or US$ (separated with a normal dash). Its ISO 4217 code can be found at, under “USD”.
It has numerous advantages over fiat currencies, including lower inflation risk, decentralization, immutability, and hard-to-crack cryptography. It also features programmable money where users can create their smart contracts on top of it through Bitcoin Improvement Proposals. These are written in an easy-to-read programming language called Bitcoin Script. Another advantage is that there are no chargebacks, unlike with credit card transactions. This makes the digital currency very different from the US dollar, which is getting inflated every year due to its continuously increasing supply.

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There are also several disadvantages to Bitcoin to dollar, including high volatility and susceptibility to market bubbles. Market bubbles aren’t necessarily bad since they tend to make things more affordable for people who buy early at a low price. If these items later gain in value (or retain it), these same investors can sell their shares and make a profit. However, if the prices crash unexpectedly and no one’s around to buy up the coins on the cheap, everyone gets burned. Others complain about the lack of mainstream adoption of cryptocurrencies where there are under 10 million BTC wallet holders out of 7 billion (and counting) population, and about how hard it is to explain cryptocurrencies to novices because of all the technical jargon used. This community has also been criticized for being a smaller part of the whole, perhaps due to its early adopters mostly being tech-savvy geeks rather than normal people with average incomes.

Bitcoin to dollar started at a price of less than a dollar in 2009 and made it up to ~$1,200 by November 2013 before plummeting down to around $220 in April 2014. It’s currently worth about US$450 as of August 2015.

The US dollar is backed by nothing but trust in the government which prints it, scales backed only by consumer confidence that others will accept it as payment for goods/services

What Is A Bitcoin Ticker

Ever had some bitcoins lying around? You may have some in an online wallet, or even some on a physical wallet. Whatever the case maybe, it’s good to know what your currency is worth at any given time! That’s where the bitcoin ticker come in; they act like currency monitors that can be seen anywhere. So what is this exactly? A “ticker” (in this instance) means somebody who always manages to stay up-to-date with whats happening in the world of cryptocurrency and will share their knowledge with others.

So how’d you get started with these coins? Did you buy them off of someone else using money from your bank account through an online service (e.g. Coinbase), or did you mine them yourself? In either case, you’ll probably want to know the value of your BTC in USD. This can be done by looking at a bitcoin ticker.

These come in many different forms from online websites that have been designed to keep track of the value of one’s cryptocurrency [for example: enter btc (small case) into Google and click on ‘I’m feeling lucky’], or if they’re on a physical hardware wallet it may give their balance in USD/GBP/EUR instead; but soon we will see more and more devices becoming compatible with cryptocurrencies such as IoT devices! If this interests you, let us know in the comments below
So how do I set up my bitcoin ticker? Well, the steps vary depending on what you want to use and how tech-savvy (or not) you are; but we’ll try our best to explain with as much detail as possible.

Gold Round Coin on Persons Hand

To set it up online, all you really need is your wallet address, which can be found in the menu at the top after clicking ‘wallet’.
All this does is tell us where to send any funds that we may have money. All this address would do if typed into a browser is take us to a webpage showing how much BTC we have in our wallet and other details.

The first step would be to click the ‘QR’ button, this will show a QR code that can be scanned using this program on your phone/tablet/smartwatch etc just like how you’d scan a coupon or something similar at a store . After doing this, it should automatically redirect you to an address where you can send funds from any of your wallets (desktop, mobile) as long as they are made by the same company (for compatibility reasons). In our case, we sent from our Coinbase account since were fond of their very easy-to-use app

After sending some funds to yourself from whatever place you had them stored, the only thing left to do on your part is open up a bitcoin ticker program on your phone/tablet/smartwatch etc and scan the QR code with it. The app should automatically detect that you have just received some BTC and show their value in USD (this can be changed depending on how you want them to be displayed). Voila! You now know how much your BTC are worth at any given time

We hope this article has been useful and hope we’ve helped you understand better what this is! If there’s anything we missed or if something doesn’t make sense, feel free to let us know so we can improve our writing


Bitcoin Today, How It Will Change Over The Years

Bitcoin today is still too hard for the average person to actually use as money. with high fees and long confirmation times, This is only used as a speculative investment by those who can afford to speculate. those at the margins of society will continue to be shut out from using this coin as an everyday payment network because there just simply isn’t enough room in the blocks.
Three things must happen to address this issue. firstly, segwit should be activated so that the witness discount can be phased in which will increase effective block space enough to allow for on-chain transactions to scale. secondly, we should scale up the lightning network so that this currency’s liquidity is no longer confined to settlement-only channels. the lightning network is currently too expensive to use for anything other than microtransactions or net settlement between payment channels so adoption has been limited thus far, but with segwit and block space scaling this should change.

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thirdly, efforts should be made to enable mining decentralization so that blocks are not being mined by just a handful of large pools. this will be an ongoing problem as long as mining is done using ASICs systems which are not widely available to the public. the upcoming bitcoin halving and segwit activation should already ensure that decentralization remains high, but further action taken may be necessary for the future if major pools continue to grow larger.
all three of these issues must be addressed to get more people using them. this is what we mean when we talk about “scaling”. once scaling has been achieved, then the next stage can begin which will be a push for merchant adoption and the creation of user-friendly tools for everyday use.

Bitcoin today level of decentralization will determine whether or not the currency will be able to continue growing. if a small group of people controls a majority of the hashing power then they would be able to use that influence to perform a so-called “51% attack”. this is when an individual or consortium of miners purposely allows invalid transactions into the network to fool other nodes into following their blocks, allowing them to double-spend their transactions. this can be done with a relatively small portion of hashing power so long as more than 50% of it is controlled by one entity that has the intention to perform such an attack. if that were to happen then this crypto would fail because the currency cannot function without decentralization, but more importantly, nobody would trust it anymore after such an attack which is what would kill this cryptocurrency.

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While there has been talk in the past about a possible “51% attack” on bitcoin today, it hasn’t ever actually happened because performing one without attacking the whole network simultaneously would be prohibitively expensive. ASIC systems are expensive to create and everyone who uses them knows

Bitcoin Price Today vs Bitcoin Value History

Numerous aspects drive Bitcoin value in the cryptocurrency world. Volatility is gauged in typical markets by a volatility index referred to as the Cboe Volatility Index (VIX). Extra recently, devices for gauging the volatility of BTC and various other coins have likewise appeared. Among one of the most popular of these is the Bitcoin Volatility Index, called BitVol, which intends to track the expected 30-day suggested volatility of the world’s leading digital currency by market cap

Among property courses, this coin has actually had one of the more volatile trading histories. The cryptocurrency’s very first big price rise occurred in 2010 when the worth of a solitary BTC leaped from just a fraction of a cent to $0.08. It has actually undergone numerous rallies as well as collisions since then. Some have actually compared the cryptocurrency (and its cost movements) to the trend for Beanie Children throughout the 1990s while others have drawn parallels between this currency as well as the Dutch Tulipmania of the 17th century.

Gold and Silver Round Coins

One reason this digital currency may change versus fiat currencies is the viewed shop worth versus fiat money. It has properties that make it similar to gold. It is regulated by a layout decision by the designers of the core technology to limit its manufacturing to a repaired quantity of 21 million BTC.

Since that differs significantly from fiat currency, which is dynamically taken care of by federal governments that want to keep reduced inflation, high employment, and satisfactory growth with financial investment in capital resources, investors may designate essentially of their possessions right into this currency as economies developed with fiat currencies reveal signs of toughness or weak point.

Close-up View of A Golden Coin

The cost modifications for BTC at the same time reflect financier interest and also frustration with its pledge. Satoshi Nakamoto, This currency’s creator, created it for usage as a tool for everyday transactions and a means to prevent the standard banking infrastructure after the 2008 economic collapse.1 Though the cryptocurrency has yet to gain conventional traction as money, it has actually started to grab vapor through the various story– as a store of profit and a hedge against inflation.

Bitcoin value volatility is also driven in huge components by differing perceptions of the intrinsic worth of the cryptocurrency as a store of gain and the technique of value transfer. A shop of value is the feature whereby a possession can be useful in the future with some predictability. It can be conserved and traded for some great or solution in the future.

This method is any kind of item or principle utilized to transmit property in the form of properties from one celebration to another. Its volatility at the here and now makes it a somewhat vague shop of value, yet it assures a nearly smooth transfer. Because of this, we see that the Bitcoin value can swing based on information occasions high as we observe with fiat money.

Bitcoin Latinum AMA Don Basile

Bitcoin Latinum CEO DR. Donald Basile Featured On Sarson Funds “Ask Me Anything” Interview

On October 6th, CEO of Bitcoin Latinum Dr. Donald Basile was featured on an Ask-Me-Anything-style interview hosted by Sarson Funds Chief Marketing Officer, Jahon Jamali. Sarson Funds is a cryptocurrency and blockchain education and investment solutions provider based in Indianapolis, Indiana.

Dr. Basile and Jamali covered several topics through the course of the interview, from Bitcoin Latinum, its architecture and target audience, to its prioritization of energy efficiency through minimal energy consumption. 

In the interview, Dr. Basile spoke of the reasons for bringing Bitcoin Latinum to its target markets – media and entertainment, gaming, cloud computing, and telecommunications – stating that it comes down to speed and cost. Dr. Basile stated, “​​We look at an in-game transaction that might be around a dollar, coupled with network fees of around $10, $20, or even $100 dollars… additionally, current gaming blockchains might clear transactions between a few minutes to a few hours… it’s just impractical.” With Bitcoin Latinum, enhanced speeds, cheaper network fees, and secure network governance work together to make LTNM a dependable blockchain solution for its target audience.

Additionally, Dr. Basile discussed the decision to make Bitcoin Latinum an asset-backed cryptocurrency, claiming that “people wanted a transaction medium with something behind the cryptocurrency,” and that people need a nuanced cryptocurrency with an asset-backing alongside fast transaction speeds and low costs in order to promote universal adoption. Bitcoin Latinum fills people’s desires for a cryptocurrency with an asset-backing.

Basile also brought attention to global concerns surrounding the energy usage of Bitcoin, which influenced one of the core enhancements that Bitcoin Latinum brings to the Bitcoin source code, the implementation of Proof of Stake transaction validation and block creation. Dr. Basile noted on Bitcoin Latinum’s green initiative, “​​We went ahead and implemented Proof-of-Stake above Proof-of-Work, allowing us to use very little power. We’re part of the Crypto Climate Accord to bring a zero carbon footprint… As crypto becomes broadly used we don’t want to be consuming cities and cities worth of power to go ahead and do transactions.” We believe that Bitcoin Latinum’s quest to model a more sustainable future for blockchain technology and cryptocurrencies is redefining the global outlook on cryptocurrency energy usage and the future of the ecosystem.

We are excited to witness and take part in the growing exposure that Bitcoin Latinum is seeing across various media outlets, and are thrilled to continue sharing our story as we seek to lead the corporate blockchain landscape.