LTNM sustainability

Sustainable, Fast, and Secure: Bitcoin Latinum’s Cutting-Edge approach

Bitcoin Latinum seeks enterprise and consumer adoption by elevating cybersecurity, scalability, and speed compared to Bitcoin. Currently, Bitcoin is not suitable for many practical use cases that would attract companies and their customers alike to adopt it as a form of payment. Many are hesitant to even hold the token, especially as mining-related environmental concerns increase in popularity. Even those who favor Bitcoin recognize that there are a few users that control much of the hash power and thus voting rights. Bitcoin Latinum attempts to corner the large market of potential users by solving these issues. Through governance, power efficiency, low transaction costs, and high speeds, Latinum attempts market penetration with features that traditional Bitcoin lacks.

Latinum plans to achieve user adoption through a three-stage process. Starting with a controlled pre-sale and launch, Latinum is currently moving towards their second stage where consumer level offerings and protocol updates attempt to bring in new users. At this stage enterprises and consumers alike can join with confidence that the governance protocol will favor them more than traditional Bitcoin works. In this same stage Latinum will add support for token exchanges, allowing users to trade Latinum with many other cryptocurrencies. Additionally, 80 percent of Latinum’s presale supply will support the underlying value of the token. Stage 3 has some ambitious features planned like Lightning Networks, Sidechains, and Decentralized Exchanges; however, they require a successful completion of Stage 2. Successful user and enterprise adoption ensures proper protocol evolution as well as a stable protocol and governance.

Governance tokens have grown in popularity; however, the concept has not been adopted in Bitcoin since it is much newer than the original token itself. Instead of voting weights designated by total hashing power, governance tokens weight a user’s voice by token holdings. Due to the multi-stage rollout of Latinum, those who get in earlier will have higher governance. Those who vote help develop a secure protocol that not only keeps token holding secure, but also support the competitiveness of the cryptocurrency as well. This is not to say that Latinum is an inherently risky token that needs rules built around it, since it is the world’s first insured digital asset with up to 1 billion dollars ensured in the currency. Consumers should feel confident that not only their holdings are safe, but also that the protocol is built to overcome and adapt any issues it may encounter.

The Latinum blockchain attempts to disrupt 4 major industries including Media, Gaming, Cloud Computing, and Telecommunications. These four industries will all benefit from the features that Latinum offers compared to traditional Bitcoin. Each industry can govern the token to help the protocol support each individual industry need. The consumers in these industries will also have an increased incentive to buy Latinum once it reaches industry adoption. To attain the best attainable level of governance, beating the industries and enterprises to Latinum is crucial. Afterall, Latinum was developed for the users in many popular industries, which is why the currency is built to support them.